If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, you’ve come to the right place.
As women, we feel pressured to live by unrealistic expectations.
We’re told we’re supposed to do it all with ease: Eat healthy, exercise often, build a successful career, always put your kids first— but don’t “let yourself go.”
Society tells us: Getting pregnant is a breeze. You’ll glow all through pregnancy—it’s such a beautiful experience. You’ll give birth and the baby weight will fall off fast (especially if you breastfeed). You’ll “bounce back” quickly, fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans again, and return to life as usual. Oh and of course, you’ll enjoy every moment!
(insert eye roll)
But it’s not always like that, is it? Yet we’re supposed to pretend like it is.
We’re not allowed to talk about the hard stuff without feeling guilty, ashamed, or like we’re just plain broken. We’re conditioned to believe something is wrong with us if we’re struggling- or are simply given the “welcome to motherhood, you chose this!” when we open up about our challenges and even have the smallest inkling that it could be better…
Well, not anymore. Here, we keep it real. We don’t sugarcoat, nor normalize what’s actually a sign of dysfunction. We don’t fall victim to the twisted narratives society has created—of what we’re “supposed” to feel like as women, especially as mothers.
We know we deserve to feel amazing in our bodies and won’t give up until we do.
Not feeling energized and at home in our bodies prevents us from living our lives the way we want to live and enjoying them.
The thing is: Many women do struggle to get pregnant. Many more are pushed to their absolute limits by pregnancy, challenged by the changes and the surprising symptoms they experience. Lots of women feel like strangers in their own bodies after giving birth, wondering if they’ll ever feel good again because everything is so new and different. A great deal of moms feel like they’re barely surviving through their days, running on so little energy (and as a result, patience).
But you should know a few things:
You aren’t alone.
What you’re feeling is valid.
There’s a solution to your struggles.
We just need to dig to find what your unique body needs and deeply nourish it the way it requires to feel and function its best.

I offer functional nutrition services for every stage of your pregnancy and motherhood journey.

Pre-pregnancy /a feeling in the air/:
accumulation of all the emotions as you
prepare your body, mind, and home for the
baby you’ve dreamt of so long now. We’ll
tap into your true power as a woman and
optimize your journey.

Pregnancy /a growing buzz/:
The seeds
you’ve sewn to this point have planted roots
soon to be a little one in your arms. Let’s
keep you feeling healthy, happy, and ready
as you journey to birth and postpartum.

Early-postpartum /a state of being/:
period of time directly after the birth of
your baby when mama needs time, healing,
and special care. You’re depleted and need
to receive the same nurturing you give.

Late-postpartum /a readiness/:
You are
transformed, with a new sense of strength
and intuition, but just need extra support
and nourishment. Motherhood is even
more beautiful when you feel restored.
“Kim's passion and dedication to each client is absolutely amazing. It is very clear how much she loves her work.”
- Kaity P.

What’s it like working with a functional nutritionist?
Through personalized 1:1 support- including detailed investigation into your health history, functional assessments, and nutrition analysis- we work to rebalance your body, so you can finally feel at home.
Each client requires something a bit different. After you submit your application, you’ll receive my Services Guide via email to review, and then we can connect to determine the best next steps for you.
Women come to me for a few reasons like:
To troubleshoot a specific issue, whether that’s exhaustion, fertility struggles, digestive problems, or hormone imbalances.
To learn how to use food and wellness practices to restore and refresh their energy so they can get back to loving life in their bodies.
To move through the challenges of pregnancy and postpartum with confidence and in a way that supports their long-term health and vitality.
“Kim has helped me to change and be informed about so many vital aspects of my life as a woman and I am forever grateful. I have learned the most mind blowing, crucial information about my body and what it needs. I feel so empowered after 4 short months of working with her and it has truly been life changing!
- Jess K.

Preconception groundwork
I look at motherhood like a seed that roots, sprouts, and blooms best when the soil is cultivated first. Our goal is to replenish your body, fill your nutrient stores, and get your body functioning the way it’s designed to- with your fertility as a sign of optimal health. We dig to the root of any imbalances in your body and optimize your inner functioning to strengthen for pregnancy. As a partner in your growth, I don’t quit searching for solutions until you feel ready for the next phase of your life.
Following my method, we’ll address any concerns you have, evaluate your body from a holistic level, and identify potential dysfunction or weaknesses all with the goal of using nutrition to strategically promote health and prepare you for conception.
Pregnancy strengthening
Through pregnancy, everything changes… but no one tells you the full extent, do they? Your body becomes a home for two and your nourishment needs increase more than you may realize. And with this transition, many moms become uncertain about what and how much to eat, feel uncomfortable with their changing bodies, and are worried that they just have to deal with their intense cravings, exhaustion, nausea, and frustration.
With the Root & Branch Method we’ll assess your unique pregnancy struggles and develop a personalized and actionable plan to help you feel better in your changing body—and most importantly, confident in how you’re nourishing your growing baby and preparing for the next stage of life.
Early postpartum replenishment
You’re exhausted and in your efforts of trying to be the best mother to your new bundle of joy, you may not have considered the depth of nourishment and rest you need to heal and restore. You may be wondering when you’ll feel like yourself, struggling with new symptoms you never expected. Through nourishing with supportive food and key nutrients you may be depleted of, giving yourself grace in new ways, and honoring the process, you’ll start to feel at home in your body again.
With my signature method, you’ll regain your energy and learn how to prioritize you every day despite this major transition. The fourth trimester is tough, and full healing and replenishment continues beyond those early months, but there are important opportunities early postpartum to support your body so you can feel like a thriving new version of yourself.
Later postpartum balancing
To the mothers who aren’t as new to the title, but still aren’t feeling their best after the birth of their babies… this is for you. Our society doesn’t honor the intense needs mothers have after they give birth, and the way it tends to rush the crucial stage of rest and replenishment after bringing home baby is such a problem for our health. So many mothers don’t get the full chance to replenish and as a result, aren’t nourished the way they deeply require to meet the demands of motherhood. When we’re so hyper-focused on our new babies, we tend to put ourselves last and our bodies eventually crash when the adrenaline fades.
If you’ve been feeling exhausted from running on empty or are experiencing depletion that manifests itself physically and emotionally, through my method we can discover just what your body needs, uncover the root of your challenges, and revive your health so that you will feel like the mom you want to be on the other side.
Support at every stage of pregnancy and motherhood
Feeling stuck with any of the above? Let’s work together!
“Kim played a pivotal role in my health journey. She empowered me to make holistic health decisions without judgement. She was the first person to really show me how powerful food can be. What I learned from Kim is something I carry with me through everything!”
- Courtney L.

What is the Root & Branch Method all about?
I believe in order to feel at home in our bodies throughout a transformation as significant as pregnancy and motherhood, we need to be nourished fully and with that, restored. We need to dig deep below the surface to optimize the inner workings of our bodies and address the root causes of our symptoms. Diet culture, band aid fixes, and unrealistic expectations hold no place here. I developed the signature Root & Branch Method with your holistic wellbeing as the priority. Your action plan is personalized for you.